Monday, May 21, 2012

The Radiology Experience

The relationship between hospital based providers and their overseers, the hospital administrators can be a stormy one.

I wonder however if any of the physicians in these hospital based groups have ever read a book on customer service or actually experienced the shortcomings of their departments and the level of service and quality they provide.

It amazes me that radiologists can ignore a ringing phone or do their utter best to avoid helping a clinician with the short-sighted view that they are too busy, not realizing that referrals from that same clinician are the lifeblood of the practive.

The flip side is that service flow and the patient customer experience is largely based on the infrastructure designed and serviced by the hospital and radiology managers/supervisors and administrators.

Perhaps the two shall never meet.  I laugh however when I get inane recommendations from a vice-president that maybe we should try something when they have no experience running a radiology department.

This leads me to the conclusion that perhaps the hospital should outsource the entire department to an outside vendor for a fixed cost, collect outpatient technical component, offload personnel, equipment maintenance and just provide the space, power and infrastructure.

I would not be surprised if  Imaging Company X with the full complement of tech staffing, IT experts, radiologists and administrators could revolutionize the whole experience and radically shape it into a faster more responsive customer-centric organization where the radiologists / providers and the administrators are strongly aligned.

Just a thought

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